What's it WORTH to you to:

  • Be mentored by a seasoned PRO

  • Avoid ALL the most common and expensive mistakes

  • Have a caring community that understands and relates with your experience

  • Save a TON of time with the best tips, tricks and hacks

  • Have confidence in all your decisions

  • Dramatically improve your odds to beat the 2% success rate


Discover the PROVEN PROCESS to turn your

BRIGHT IDEAS into licensed products!

The Invention Accelerator™ is an Invitation Only Program. Book a free call to learn more and see if we are a good fit for each other.


  • The Ninja Inventor™ 5 Stage-Gate Course to lay the foundation on the best practices & principles for inventing, protecting & licensing like a PRO

  • All the Tools & Resources to dramatically save Time & Money

  • Weekly 1:1 Mentoring with Lisa Lloyd

  • Access to our CONFIDENTIAL private Mastermind Community

  • Massive discounts on Professional Services

I have been inventing products and have coached thousands of people just like you for over 30 YEARS.

I understand the common pitfalls and frustrations, now I want to show you my proprietary stage-gate process to help you get over those same hurdles.

And...Here's What Others Have To Say:


The industry success rate is less than 2%. 

That means that less than 2% of ALL independent inventors ever earn more than they spend on their ideas. 

The problem…they keep repeating the same mistakes, You CAN beat those odds like I have. The best chance you have is to take the right steps!

My $30M invention portfolio..

My process works, it even landed me a deal on Shark Tank!


If you’re still reading, you're probably thinking..

  • What if this doesn’t work for me?

  • What if I spend all this time and get nothing in return?

  • Am I going to go through all the steps just to fail in the end?

  • What if I never realize my dreams of becoming a REAL inventor entrepreneur?

Well, let's face it...

We ALL know that a process doesn’t work unless WE DO!

So..If you’re NOT willing to:

  • Do the work

  • Put in the time

  • Follow the training

  • Dedicate yourself to investing your best effort

  • Push through the hard work and growing pains of inventing from scratch

I can assure you that this will NOT work for you.

But if you ARE willing to dig deep, and commit time to take action on this process...


Join me in the Invention Accelerator and let me help you to invent 'WOW' solutions, protect them properly, and get you in front of:

  • The RIGHT People

  • At the RIGHT Companies

  • To Pitch & Negotiate Like a PRO for License!

You have my personal RESULTS and the testimony of others,

So, what are you waiting for?

Ready To Get Started?



©2024 Lloyd Marketing Group, LLC dba. Invention Accelerator

Contact Us


Tucson, AZ